What is Kiwanis?
Kiwanis International is a worldwide service organization of women and men who share the challenge of community and world improvement. Since its founding in Detroit, Michigan, in 1915, Kiwanis has grown to about 9,000 clubs in more than 80 nations. Nearly one-third of a million Kiwanians in every culture and on every continent are helping to improve peoples lives.
Who are Kiwanians?
Kiwanians are individuals who give a little of their time to make their communities and the world better places in which to live and work. As members of a local club, members have the opportunity to:
* make business and professional contacts
* learn first-hand about local, national, and international issues
* improve and use leadership skills
* participate in the life of their community and world
* develop lifelong friendships
What is Kiwanis service comprised of?
Kiwanis clubs take on humanitarian and civic projects that public authorities are not prepared or able to perform. A typical Kiwanis club plans hands-on projects focusing on the special needs of the community, such as helping the elderly, promoting literacy, or supporting youth sports. In addition to attending a club meeting, Kiwanians volunteer about two hours a month for projects involving children or persons in need. "Young Children: Priority One" is a program addressing the needs of children through projects in pediatric trauma, safety, child care, early development, infant health, nutrition and parenting skills.
Under "Young Children: Priority One" Kiwanis is engaged in its first Worldwide Service Project. Kiwanis has teamed with UNICEF to virtually eliminate Iodine Deficiency Disorders by the year 2000. These disorders cause various degrees of mental and physical impairment in the fetus and in young children.
Objectives of Kiwanis International
How much time will Kiwanis ask of me?
Kiwanis organizes and participates in approximately one community project each month.
We have club meetings every second Tuesday of the month (12 in total) from 6:30pm to 8:00pm. At these meetings we share important information, plan our events and discuss matters brought before the club.
Where are the club meetings?
We meet every second Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm at a local restaurant in Orleans. Please email us at info@orleanskiwanis.ca so we can let you know where our current restaurant location is.
Can I promote my business through Kiwanis?
Kiwanians are discouraged from discussing private business at club meetings, but it is generally accepted that members seek each other out when required. Membership in Kiwanis can only help open doors. It has been said, "You should expect to get out of Kiwanis what you put into it, and a bit more"
Is there a cost to join Kiwanis?
There is no monetary cost to join the Kiwanis Club of Orleans. Instead, we ask that members make a yearly commitment of 25 volunteer hours towards one or more of our many projects.
Dinner at meetings generally cost $20.00 (includes meal, gratuity and taxes) but this is purely optional. We also have a quick "Happy Dollar" session at the close of our regular meetings which gives Club Members an opportunity to donate a dollar to brag or celebrate a positive occurrence in their lives.
Would the club consider new projects?
The Kiwanis Club of Orleans is always willing to consider new projects that primarily support or assist children in our Orleans community. Each project is carefully weighed by our Ways and Means Committee to determine its merit, the potential benefits and our ability to provide the required manpower to successfully accomplish the desired goals. Our ability to champion a wide variety of causes and successfully produce dynamic projects sets the Kiwanis Club of Orleans apart as one of the most active and most successful service clubs in the Ottawa-Carleton Region.
How can I get a better feel for the Kiwanis Club of Orleans?
We are pleased to invite all potential members to join us for a regular dinner meeting, our treat. Contact us to make us aware of your inquiry.
What organizations make up the Kiwanis Family?
The Kiwanis Family includes organizations for young people, which are sponsored by local clubs, and the Kiwanis International Foundation.
Builders Club, Key Club, Circle K, K-Kids, and Kiwanis Junior provide school age youth the opportunity to help others, become personally involved in their community, and build a positive future for themselves. Visit Kiwanis Governance for more info.